Act 2, Scene 2: The Roof is on Fire

Ren'eldiBlu the Bold


%SND% Sounds of a burning house, fully ablaze. People running around screaming, trying to put out the fire. The city's fire brigade is trying to do their best, using a big, hand-operated pump, pumping water out of a nearby pond, but the fire has already too far progressed. They are changing their strategy to spraying the nearby houses to keep the fire from spreading.

Ben'azine: "Ren'eldi!"

Ren'eldi: "Yes, chief Ben'azine?"

Ben'azine: "Status report!"

Ren'eldi: "All companies are engaging the fire, including backup units from Pras'ole. Both pumps are getting water from the palace moat now, but it's such a steep incline that water flow is very limited. It also doesn't help that the roof is made of water reed and burns like tinder. Feels like water isn't even making a difference."

Ben'azine: "By Zan'ika's ingrown dewclaw, why is this even legal. If someone wants to live under a ticking time bomb out in the fields, fine. But in a neighborhood as tightly packed as this one, thatching roofs with reed is nothing short of reckless. I don't think we can save this one, best thing we can do now is to try and contain the fire. Get as much water on the neighboring buildings as you can."

Ren'eldi: "Affirmative."

Ren'eldi (turns towards his men, shouting through a bullhorn): "All units, withdraw from the house and protect the nearby buildings! Don't let the fire spread any further! Unit 1 goes to the A-Side, Unit 2 goes to the C-Side!"

%ACT% Din'iso appears

Din'iso (in panic): "Hey! HEY! What in Zan'ikas name are you doing! Why are you turning the hoses away?"

Ben'azine: "Are you the owner of this house?"

Din'iso: "Yes! I was only gone for a minute ... What happened? And what about my daughter? Did you find my daughter?"

Ben'azine: "I'm afraid not. When we arrived, the smoke was already too thick to go inside."

Din'iso: "But what if she's still alive in there?"

Ben'azine: "Even if she were, we'd have to find her first. And then get out again without suffocating to death ourselves. It's not possible right now. Sorry."

Din'iso: "If you won't do it, then I will."

Din'iso (turning away): "Liz'ona!! Liz'ona, are you in there! I'm coming! I-"

%ACT% Ben'azine grabs the woman

Din'iso: "Hey! Let me go ... LET ME GO! LIZ'ONA!"

Ben'azine: "Don't be stupid, woman! If you go in that building, the smoke will kill you before you can do any good, then we'll have two bodies to deal with instead of just one. I'm sorry, you can't help your daughter anymore. Nobody can."

Zall'andor: "I can."

Din'iso: "Zall'andor!"

Zall'andor: "Your daughter is still alive. On the second floor, right below that window."

Ben'azine: "Nonsense!"

Zall'andor: "I can feel her heart beat. It's very faint, but it's there."

Din'iso: "Zall! I ... I didn't know you ..."

Zall'andor: "Yes, I have the gift. I wasn't going to tell anyone, but here we are."

Ben'azine: "The gift? Of magic? No. NONONONONO! You do know that I have to report this to the head of the city guard, don't you? How am I supposed to explain this?"

Zall'andor: "A child is DYING In there, you fucking moron."

Ben'azine: "But it's against the law!"

Zall'andor: "Fuck the law. Come on Din, let's go. I can shield us from the smoke."

%SND% Sound of a magic shield being spun up

%ACT% They run into the house

Din'iso: "Liz'ona! Liz'oooona!"

Ben'azine: "Good grief."

Ren'eldi: "Chief?"

Ben'azine: "Yes, Ren?"

Ren'eldi: "You know, I've always respected you as a fire chief, Ben. But this is my neighborhood. These are my people. If you report Zall'andor to the Queen's henchmen, your house will be the next to burn down, and there will be no-one there to fight the fire, I promise."

Ben'azine: "Yes, yes, don't worry, I'll come up with something. What about your men, will they be able to keep a secret?"

Ren'eldi: "I trust my life to them every day."

Ben'azine: "Then so will I. Because that's what it'll cost us if the queen finds out."

Ren'eldi: "She won't."

%SND% The building collapses

Ren'eldi: "Shit! They're still in there! *cough* *cough* *cough* The smoke ... I can't ..."

%SND% Sound of rubble being lifted up telekinetically

Ben'azine: "There they are!"

Din'iso: "Help! Over here! Help!"

Ren'eldi: "They've got the child! MEDIC! WE NEED A MEDIC!"

Zall'andor: "*coughs* *breathes heavily* I told you I could do it. Are you going to have me arrested now?"

Ben'azine: "You did the right thing. But I don't write the rules. Let's leave it at that."

Din'iso: "Fuck the queen. And fuck the queen's laws. Until all eternity."